21 March - 20 April

ARIES [March 21 - 20 April]

For the month of March, the stars advise you to pause, reflect, and identify any shortcomings in your upcoming tasks.  Correcting them where possible. The planet Mercury enters your sign Tuesday 04 March. Now take note also, that Mercury will go retrograde for three weeks from Saturday 15. Being in your sign,  be aware that it will slow things down until the end of April, when it clears all of it retrograde period. The planet Venus is also in its retrograde motion now and that starts Sunday March 2. Many Arians should now devote most of their time to personal and family matters. Home improvements such as renovations, or redecorating, might be on the agenda. Be cautious with major purchases now that both Mercury and Venus are in retrograde. If the purchase is not essential consider postponing it until a more favourable time. So, for this month do not rely too much on others! Success depends on your careful detailing at this time.


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21 April - 21 May


March may not be your most favourable month as the planet Venus, which is your ruling planet, is in retrograde. The stars suggest working steadily and carefully, taking your time to fortify your position. With the planet mercury also retrograde this month, commencing Saturday 15, after the Full Moon, there will be challenges in purchases. Mercury retrograde is notorious for communications difficulties, or purchases not being delivered on time. Another potential issue in March could be unresolved financial disagreements with friends or influential figures. It is suggested you pay close attention to any correspondence, addressing it step by step. Most managers may find themselves under the control of regulatory authorities. If this scrutiny began recently, expect it to intensify this month! Expenses are expected to outpace income. In the end your financial balance may be in the red! This could be linked to the home and family needs.

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22 May - 22 June


March is an active and dynamic month regarding your professional life. However, there is opposition to your initiatives because of two planets reversing their energies. You still have Jupiter which is the energy of great correspondence, publishing, and all forms of international contacts working on your behalf. But Jupiter in the sign of Gemini has a reference to the planet Mercury which owns that sign. Now with Mercury reversing its energies from mid-March, your communication skills may be delayed as correspondence has either delays in the mail or internet difficulties. The planet Venus joins up with Mercury in retrograde motion and so progress is slow and maybe there are challenges in your neighborhood. This is the time when discussions involve looking at new jobs or projects which you may achieve in time. The stars strongly advise you to stay calm, avoid unnecessary stress and clearly outline your plans and timelines now.

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23 June - 22 July


The month of March shows huge waterfalls! It will be like trying to swim upstream against a strong current! The planets Mars, Saturn, and Neptune, are all in water signs and Uranus, being in the sign of Taurus, has a few liquid surprises in store for you.! Since Mercury and Venus are in reverse, discussions about a new job, or project, are possible. Take note that they may take longer than expected. You may have to overcome past disagreements, so as to steer events in the right direction. Those dealing with long standing legal issues may see improvement in their positions. The outlook is generally positive, even though progress seems to be so slow. Hopefully everything you achieve this month will bring you closer to a more successful period starting after July 2025. With your finances significant successes are not expected, but neither are losses. Some couples, who have drifted apart, may reassess their relationships. Old friends meet up again.

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23 July- 22 August

LEO (July 23 – 22 August )

The month of March sees so much wetter energies in the stars under Mars, Saturn and Neptune, that we expect that these will use their firehoses to reduce your initiatives and determination. Professionally active Leo’s may face important problems to solve. One of them will be financial negotiations, which may drag on for various reasons. This is the result of two planets, namely Mercury and Venus in reverse energies. You may have to negotiate and revisit the same old issues but this time involve mediators. The ideal outcome is to gain a reasonable compromise, so that is what you sold aim for. It is suggested therefore, to stay alert, avoid rushing decisions, and if partners seem slow to act simply wait them out! It is important for you to remember that with both Mercury and Venus, in retrograde for most of the month. A bad time for making important decisions or signing significant agreements. Divorced couples will settle on property issues.

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23 August - 23 September

VIRGO (23 August – 22 September)

Throughout this month of March, professionally active Virgo’s will have meetings with partners and lengthy discussions about both operational and financial matters. In case of problems, support will come from old friends. They can act as intermediaries.  In business some changes are possible in partnerships. Your main goal this month is to find common ground with those around you without compromising your own interests. This is one you are capable of handling. With Mercy and Venus in retrograde aspect it reminds you to be “slow and steady – wins the race”. Those separating or divorcing individuals may continue to negotiate favourable financial terms. During March old acquaintances and friends may appear on your horizon. Maybe somebody from your past is likely to help you find a way out of the maze of problems you have unintentionally found yourself! Any travel plans – it is best to visit familiar places now.

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24 September - 23 October

LIBRA [23 September - 22 October]

With both planets Mercury and Venus in the sig of Aries for most of this month, they oppose your beautiful sign of Libra. So, if there are any social contacts opposing your beliefs you still have the planet Jupiter in the sign of Gemini suggesting a compromise. Just remember that Pluto, only once in a couple of hundred years, is pushing through the sign of Aquarius and is asking you to discard your old beliefs and update to the modern era. As your sign is supposedly has a leadership energy, old reliable colleagues will be especially valuable as their experiences will be more relevant. With your partner, there is discord and uncertainty. They may be evasive and inconsistent, which could delay negotiations. You may have to discuss different terms of cooperation, multiple times. Eventually time is on your side and success will be yours! However, your charm and ability to smooth over rough edges will come to your rescue. Relay on these talents.

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24 October - 22 November

SCORPIO [23 October - 22 November]

This month you may find it is well suited for charitable activities and for showing care and involvement. You may choose to focus on a small circle of close people. Avoid a broader audience at this time. This is because two major planets regarding social connections are moving in reverse and will not support large audiences. Old connections are especially important right now and you may find yourself negotiating with a former partner. The planets indicate you might find yourself with additional responsibility on top of your current duties. This month your personal life could be just as important as your career. You may have to focus on matters relating to kin folk or children or find yourself needing to offer support, both moral and financial, to somebody younger than yourself. Any home improvement projects will continue. Some may drag out longer than expected. Long term couples will have the opportunity to strengthen their relationship.


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23 November - 21 December

SAGITTARIUS  (23 November – 21 December)

Your March month is one of responsibility, practicality and taking care of business. With the retrograde reversing of planets Venus and Mercury you will be dedicating this month to resolving your past issues. Perhaps those that relate to real estate. Negotiations will continue pushing both sides towards a resolution. Because of the retrograde motion of Venus and Mercury for most of this month there is the tendency towards delays and mis-alignments. However, things will keep moving forward slowly, but not as quickly as one might hope. March may present a turbulent financial picture. Money will come in, but will go out again, just as quickly due to family related expenses. In cases of separation or divorce,  spouses may continue dividing up properties. Many Sagittarians should find time to devote to their children. If single, it is time to be cautious with new acquaintances. With the retrograde influence of the above planets, ‘new’ is not favourable.

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22 December - 20 January

CAPRICORN [23 December - 19 January].

During the month of March, we suggest it is best to rein in your ambitions and be more attentive to those around you. Progress will be slow with some delays and endless discussions! This may involve real estate, land purchases and related debt. This is probably caused by the energies of two planets, namely Mercury and Venus, in reverse motion. The planet Mercury is more likely to deal with unfinished contracts, due to be finalised, and the planet Venus deals with old social contacts, not new ones for now. If you are in a regular job there are some organisational changes in your work place, however they will not cause personal difficulties. Financially, this month can be considered neutral. No major achievements are expected, but there should not be any major set backs either. Many Capricorns will embark with a trip in March; however, the stars recommend choosing only familiar places to avoid unexpected disappointments. Expect airport delays.

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21 January - 19 February

AQUARIUS [20 January - 19 February]    

March may turn out to be a challenging month for most of Aquarius “flock”. However, here is good news as you can manage to take control of any situation and steer events in the right direction. Many Aquarians will be focused on material and financial problems. Significant progress will be made in resolving them. Some financial matters could be delayed due to missing documents, or previous errors, so extra work on paper work may be required. If you are involved in construction or renovation the approach to this is complex under retrograde planets so don’t rush things! The best strategy is to carefully check every step along the way. Most monetary matters will be resolved this month and financially March looks quite favourable. Many Aquarians may have old debts repaid and perhaps will profit from real estate transactions. March is a good time for reflection, possibly analyzing mistakes and planning how to correct them now.

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20 February - 20 March

PISCES [20 February - 20 March]

The three water signs, like yourself, as a Piscean will be so happy that the planet of high energy, namely Mars, is now moving direct and picking up speed. As it does so it joins up with the planets Saturn and Neptune, also in Piscean energies. However, Jupiter has yet to finish its travelling through the sign of Gemini, until it reaches the sign of Cancer in June, and will be there for twelve months. Thus, the second half of the year will favour you better than the first half. With Mercury and Venus, both in retrograde, some planned activities might be cancelled or postponed. When planets are in reverse it usually leads to misunderstandings and delays in both business and communication. Creative professionals, such as musicians, singers and journalists are likely to fare well with plenty of work and decent pay. Many Pisceans could see an increase in income. There will be an exciting time for you at the Eclipse on Friday 14. Expect to see or hear good surprises!

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Weekly Star News.

Get Inspired with your own personal reading!

Your Career : Relationships: Security:

Positive World Re-Location if needed.

Your special taped astrological forecast . . .

This can be done for you by Edgar Winter to answer those special questions.


This reading includes a confidential tape recorded and emailed to you plus personal questions answered especially for you, covering all aspects of your situation and status in life.

Check out your personal safety areas and get a taped clairvoyant reading session from Edgar including past, present and future situations. Questions answered as well.

 Its good insurance at $365 AUD .  Just like having a "Spiritual" umbrella for any hail (Hell) ahead. (Smiling)

Yes the 3 is for your life`s journey...the 5 is for your freedom from worry as we see what the universe is teaching you....and the 6 is for getting the universe to back into your true creative cycle!


We are in the beginning of a whole new world with Pluto into the sign of Aquarius!

While Pluto was in Capricorn from 2008 (GFC) to 2023/2024, we were testing our boundaries.  With the change over for the next 2 decades of Pluto in Aquarius , we are now awakening to a new world where freedom is paramount over dictatorships and taxation controllers.  We are on the cusp of that now. Last time, around 1776,  it was the War of Independence and then followed by the French Revolution!   Any guess on where we are going now?

It was an intense period of breaking down, exposing, renovating, and rebuilding structures, governments, traditions, and rules.

Will the British Commonwealth of Nations survive this last attack?

Pluto demands renovation and a connection with our true ambitions wherever it touches our charts. 

Pluto will reveal vulnerable areas that need strengthening and fears that need eradicating. Bad goverments will be exposed for deceit and negligence to their citizens needs.

During this transit of Pluto in Aquarius, it’s time for a complete overhaul of:

friendships, social structures and networks, community, group associations, (Like the Nurses, Drs, Firemen, first responders, Ambulance officers, unions,  etc) humanitarianism and individuality, scientific inventions and progress, our happiness goals.

While Pluto is in Aquarius, we take social structures and politics especially seriously, and we seek major reform in these areas.

Unusual, intense, or dramatic happenings are possible with friends and networks.

During this long-term cycle, we are likely to confront issues of control and power related to individuality, equality, friendships, and group associations.

We can be on a quest to distinguish ourselves for our progressiveness, scientific minds, ideals, humanitarianism, or unique qualities.

It’s also a time when we seek to change and overhaul society through science, inventions, and the mind/ideas.

New ways of approaching our social needs can be in order. We’re doing things differently because of our new perspective on these matters.

Pluto will be likely to cause major power failures with electricity grids.  By March 2025 there is a total revelation that Net Zero is a deception. New truths emerge under Saturn leaving Pisces and going into the new sign of Aries!

Fixed Star Pattens, the Holy Grail and the Pancreas!

Fixed star 'Labrum' at 27 degrees Virgo rules the pancreas.

Note that for the “Pancreas” area it has been hit hard by Piscean planets especially Neptune in opposition to Larum`s position in Virgo especially in January this year.

So, we could say that we all have had a hit to the “Guts” lately”😊!!! Maybe we all should follow our Gut Instincts to get to our personal “Holy Grail”  ?

Are we seeing a rise in Diabetes lately?

LABRUM, Situated in the Cup, and symbolically called the Holy Grail. Of the nature of Venus and Mercury. It gives idealist, psychic power, intelligence, honour and riches in disgrace and then purifies to salvation. 

Saturn conjunct Labrum: There are fluid restrictions insofar as the restriction of food is concerned. The restriction is in the upper part of the pancreas which does not allow foods to be broken down in a more refined state for absorption by the pancreas. This causes a shortage of vitamins and calcium as only a small number of essential vitamins are assimilated for the use of the body. These persons would especially lack Vitamin B-1, B-2, B-6 and B-12. This would then affect the nervous system, and the lack of calcium would affect the skeletal part of the body. There would be congestion at the pancreas and these persons would feel as though they have a stomach ache. These individuals live with this all their lives as the problem is never pinpointed. They continually take antacids which would ultimately cause them greater problems as they grow older. Angelica, an aromatic herb that is related to celery, would help this condition tremendously. They should also eat plenty of fruit, but not apples. Peaches, green grapes and watercress would be very helpful for this condition.


Now here is another Fixed Star called “Markeb” at 29 Virgo which is also being affected by this Neptune transit now at 28-29 Pisces which is opposite that fixed Star right now!  Mercury also gets to that point early March and the second big hit late March! Saturn, the’ reality’ of what is causing this problem, will be here also late April and May.

Strange that also now there is a fixed Star called “Markab” (note the difference!) at 23 degrees Pisces and Saturn reaches this point during March. Mercury will tell us more about it at the New Moon Feb 28th !  This is the point called “the Degree of Sorrow”!  Mark your dairies for that! It means not to start new plans as they may be doomed from the start. Current work is OK. This will prove so interesting if current govts start their run for new elections. It May also mean that the current Pope may pass away due to his severe ill health and that would certainly be 'a degree of sorrow' for many millions of that faith.

Now as Mercury rules all correspondence we are about to hear of the rapid increase in Pancreatic problems.

Uranus in the sign of , security, food, farming and common sense is arranging a huge wakeup call over this planet during June and July to awaken humans to change concepts of madness to sanity and develop clean stable nuclear power to bring back better all-round living conditions.

Markeb Astrology

 Of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter. It gives piety, a wide knowledge, educational work and voyages.

 A small yellow star in the ship, ‘Argo’. This star gives the native the ability to gain knowledge, and a lot of it useless, considerable traveling, unexpected criticism, a steadfast person!

The Virgo placing puts the emphasis more on the spiritual nature of the quest, especially as it is close to Zaniah with that stars religious associations. So, that approach, along with a life of devoted service to others, is likely to be the voyage for those with Markeb prominent on their charts. ( say around 24-29 degrees of Virgo)

The star Markeb asserts its Jupiterian character by portending profitable journeys.

Fixed star Markeb rules the lower part of the pancreas.

Constellation Argo

Argo is the ship that carried Jason and the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece is today composed of the constellations Carina, Puppis, Pyxis, and Vela. In classical astrology it is correlative of events concerning the sea and shipping and of rivers and springs. It also has been said to be connected with death by drowning, especially if connected with the eighth house. Tetrapylon asserts that its bright stars are of the nature of Saturn and Jupiter.

According to Ptolemy, the bright stars are like Saturn and Jupiter. Argo is said to give prosperity in trade and voyages, and strength of mind and spirit, but it has been observed to accompany cases of drowning. Drowning is particularly to be feared when Saturn afflicts the Moon in or from Argo. It is probably on account of this constellation that Virgo, especially the first decan, is frequently found to be connected with drowning.

Another note!

Both the Charts of Australia and Israel , normally beneficial to each other are being affected by the transits of Neptune and Saturn in Pisces over the "Fixed Stars"  of Markeb and Scheat!  These stars are putting stress on the humanitarian and religious background of these 2 countries. It points to the fact that imports of the wrong religious groups are the rotten apples causing chaos. The bad ones with destructive ideologies must be deported!  Severe pressure to obtain these goals and get back to drink from the “Holy Grail” again will be seen over the next 3-4 months!